Thank you Toblerone5
We've been surprised at the numbers & new subscribers. He told us years ago " They're just a fart in the wind. I have 50,000 subscibers & they only have 10,000 so I'm right"
original reddit post (removed).
Thank you Toblerone5
We've been surprised at the numbers & new subscribers. He told us years ago " They're just a fart in the wind. I have 50,000 subscibers & they only have 10,000 so I'm right"
original reddit post (removed).
Totally agree. IF it wasn't dismissed, all he has to do is show the letter from the court & prove all of us WRONG. Or do a live stream showing the letter & getting super chat $$$$
original reddit post (removed).
Lloydy, But the Croatian court does say 'DECISION' that is NOT a "Your case is on hold."
original reddit post (removed).
Yep. If you don't do activism HIS way, you are a regressive activists.
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Thank you everyone for making this an epic thread.
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That is what we keep wondering also
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In the live stream @Kim S did with Tony Prime, someone asked about the AWAA thing with Lloyd.
I was looking for the video Tony mentioned in that podcast & found this. Dick Kelly was the C.E.O of AAWA & Open Minds
I redacted their private info & the friend's name that gave this to me.
Yes, I did find Tony's video & will send it to him.
original reddit post (removed).
Who would know our full names & daughter's full legal name? Unless they subscribe to a background check website. I say this is Lloydy with one of his many fake accounts.
They also posted on Twitter our phone number with an innocent party in Wisconsin'sphone # claiming it's ours.
There are some really mentlaly ill people